
Middle East gets Wolverine Screening while Mexico Awaits its Chance

Swine Flu is the topic on everyone’s lips these days and in Mexico, the outbreak of the disease is especially tragic. Having claimed 149 lives already in the country, attempts to control the outbreak are currently in operation. 

X-Men Origins: Wolverine releases in the midst of such news and fans in Mexico for one are simply not happy. The fourth film in the X-Men franchise will have a delayed release in theatres across the country, at least until health services have sufficiently tamped down the disease. 

The worldwide release of X-Men Origins: Wolverine however is as per schedule in theaters in other parts of the world. In the Middle East, the movie releases on April 30, 2009 in theatres across Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait and Oman. 

Wolverine fans in the Middle East get to enjoy the movie a day earlier than their counterparts in other countries but sadly, fans in Mexico will have to wait for just a little more time. Let’s hope Logan lovers in Mexico get to watch the big bad wolf-like mutant soon in their nearest theatres. 

So get ready Wolverine fans and let the mutant wars begin. If you are living in the Middle East, book your ticket for X-Men Origins: Wolverine at your nearest theatre today! 


Know More About: X-Men Origins: Wolverine’s Colleagues

Aiding Wolverine in his quest are the mutants or X-men known to the world as Gambit, Deadpool, Silverfox and John Wraith. 


All gifted and all on the good side, these characters make a first-time appearance in the X-Men Origins: Wolverine film. 

Gambit, for instance is one of the most popular and central characters in the X-Men comics and has been around for a long time in the X-Men annals. Characterized by his burning red eyes, Remy LeBeau or Gambit has the power to charge objects with enough energy for them to explode and is blessed with an unerring aim. Ethnically Cajun, Gambit is played by Taylor Kitsch in X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men-DeadpoolDeadpool goes by the name of Wade Wilson and in the X-Men comic books imbibes some of the healing element possessed within Wolverine’s body. The affable Ryan Reynolds plays him and Hugh Jackman (who plays Wolverine) comments that Reynold’s character infused the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie with a certain joie de vivre. 

Silver Fox, a Blackfoot Indian woman is a mutant whose X-Men-Kayla-Silver-Foxlife is closely intermingled with Wolverine’s. In the days when he was known as Logan and when his body was yet to be fused with Adamantine, Silver Fox and Logan shared a budding romance, which ended in great tragedy. Lynn Collins plays Kayla Silver Fox in X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men-John-WraithJohn Wraith is a teleporting mutant or X-Man and serves alongside Wolverine on the Weapon X program, both in the comic books and in the movie. Not much is known about John Wraith and there is much mystery that surrounds him, perhaps more than even Wolverine. Musician with the popular band the Black Eyed Peas, will.i.am plays the role of John Wraith. 

So there you have it. All the dope on Wolverine’s colleagues is right here. Grab tickets to see the action in X-Men Origins: Wolverine now! 


Tried the Cool Wolverine Applications & Games Yet?

As with any superhero movie release, a slew of gadgets, action figures, games and toys find their way onto market shelves and the same can be said for the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie as well. 

As theatres the world over gear up for a summer release of the newest X-Men film, X-Men Origins: Wolverine finds a place in fan’s hearts, their bookshelves and their desktops! 

Marvel released the animated Wolverine cartoon in the Wolverine and the X-Men DVD yesterday with a similar launch in the iTunes store as well. 

Besides Wolverine and the X-Men memorabilia that are available in various stores, there are online games like the Wolverine: Time Warrior Game that have been developed for Wolverine buffs to enjoy. 

Pop culture and all things famous usually find their way into the portals of Facebook and X-Men Origins: Wolverine too has its own Facebook application for the fourth X-Men movie.  Fanboys and fangirls can share the X-Men Origins: Weapon X (USA) with their social networking friends on the popular website. 


Wolverine fever has gripped X-Men movie buffs worldwide and in the Middle East, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait and Oman are where all the action will be taking place. Theatres and screening halls will be having Wolverine contests, X-Men movie marathons and special X-Men gear, takeaways and games. 

Visit your nearest theatre today! 


The Wolverine: Time Warrior Game

Besides Wolverine and the X-Men memorabilia that are available in various stores, there are online games like the Wolverine: Time Warrior Game that have been developed for Wolverine buffs to enjoy.


Random Trivia to Know before you Watch – X-Men Origins: Wolverine

wolverine-cartoonAs the Middle East gears up for an early release of the fourth installment in the X-Men movie series on the 30th of this month, first-time watchers might want to fill themselves in on some facts about the film and its protagonist, Wolverine

  • Wolverine is a character from the popular Marvel Comic X-Men and first made his appearance in the fictional world of Marvel superheroes in a cameo role in issue # 180 of the Incredible Hulk. 
  • This was way back in 1974.
  • James Howlett was the name Wolverine was given at his birth and his father was a wealthy plantation owner by the name of John Howlett.
  • Wolverine is Canadian. He is believed to hold dual citizenship with Japan and maybe even the fictional place known as Madripoor (depicted in the comics).
  • In the X-Men comic books, Sabretooth is simply one of Wolverine’s nemeses. However, in the movie Sabretooth is depicted as Howlett/Wolverine’s half-brother and fiercest rival.
  • Five directors were at one point or another interested in directing X-Men Origins: Wolverine, however Gavin Hood of the award winning film Tsotsi, was picked for the job as Hugh Jackman, who plays Wolverine noticed parallels between the two respective protagonists.
  • Locations in Australia, New Zealand, Louisiana, Cockatoo Island and New South Wales can be seen in various parts of the film, much of which features open spaces. 
  • Gambit, a mutant popular in the X-Men comic books, makes his first appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, much to the delight of the comic book Gambit’s fans. 

The date for the Middle East premier of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is fast approaching. Have you booked your tickets yet?


Booked Tickets for the Middle East “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” Screening yet?

Theatres in the Middle East are abuzz with bookings for the latest installment in the X-Men series, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, the fourth film in the popular X-Men movie franchise. 

The film is to premier on April 30, 2009 in theatres in Jordan, UAE, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. Bookings have already opened and seats are filling up quickly as Wolverine and superhero movie buffs in the Middle East gear up for an X-Men treat. 


From the tense opening scenes in a prison to the impossible-looking action and tender romance scenes later in the movie, Wolverine is expected to keep fans of the X-Men series gripped. 

Unlike the other X-Men movies, Wolverine does not really require you to watch the previous movies to catch the drift. The movie is set nearly 20 years before Wolverine rescues the young mutant Rogue in the first X-Men movie and meets Professor X. It has been filmed as a prequel of sorts. 

Fans of X-Men Origins: Wolverine in the Middle East will appreciate Gavin Hood’s direction and find the Logan they have come to marvel over and rave about to be the same as he was in the previous three movies- arrogantly aggressive. 

Hugh, for his part quite enjoyed exploring the darker side of Logan. The character of Wolverine as pictured in the earlier three movies has always had to deal with faint remnants of a murky past, magnified by his amnesia. X-Men Origins: Wolverine tries to tell the audience about this troubled past of Logan aka Wolverine. 

Book your tickets with the Middle East website for the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie to get to know your favorite X-Man better, today!